Before application

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  1. 1.Overview

    With a  degree obtained abroad, you must apply through the Arbeits- und Servicestelle für internationale Studienbewerbungen, uni-assist. We describe the general requirements for a study place application (degree, language skills) below(please be sure to read). You will then find the deadlines and the specific admission requirements (certificates, knowledge, documents) of a study program offered by the University of Kassel on the respective program website.

  2. 2.Degree

    Will my degree be recognised?

    If you would like to study with us, you will need a recognised school leaving certificate or, in the case of a master's degree, a university degree. Your nationality does not matter - your degree only has to be comparable to a German qualification.

  3. 3.Language

    Depending on the course of study, the language of instruction can be German, English or even German and English. You must prove your language skills with a language certificate as part of your application for a place at university.

    • How good do my German language skills have to be? I can find out which German language certificates the University of Kassel accepts here : Proof of German language skills
    • How good do my English language skills have to be? You can find out the required level in the admission requirements. Which English language certificates the University of Kassel accepts, I can read here: Language certificates for a foreign language

    My knowledge of German is not sufficient. What can I do?

    You can apply for a preparatory language course if you have 600 or more proven teaching hours and have reached level B1. There you will be prepared for the DSH exam. You can take the exam with at least 1,000 teaching hours and level C1 - also at the University of Kassel. More information is available here: DSH exam at the University of Kassel.


    Artistic courses of study
    From 800 proven teaching hours and level B2, you will receive conditional admission and can then submit an accepted language certificate before the artistic entrance examination.  Otherwise, you will not be able to take the entrance exam: accepted language certificate. Conditional admission also gives you the opportunity to take the DSH exam at the University of Kassel. Further information can be found here: DSH exam at the University of Kassel.

    English and American Studies (Master)
    You can apply for a preparatory language course if you have 600 or more proven teaching hours and have reached level B1. There you will be prepared for the DSH exam. You can take the exam with at least 800 teaching hours and level B2 - also at the University of Kassel. Further information is available here: DSH exam at the University of Kassel.

  4. 4.Deadlines

    • I check the home page of this program for deadlines and apply early.

    Some degree programs have additional deadlines for entrance and aptitude tests. You can also find out about these deadlines on the start page of the study program site. 

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