Study alongside your job

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The Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems is an international, English-language and part-time Master's program. The study program can be completed part-time, is 100% online and was developed especially for students who want to study parallel to their job. Due to the very flexible online teaching, a good balance between studies, job and family can be enabled.

The Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems is an internationally oriented, English-language, part-time, extra-occupational master's program. The program is explicitly developed for students who would like to study alongside their job. Therefore it is designed as a 100% online learning program. This enables students to work and study at the same time and offers a good balance between studying and family time.

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© Paavo Blåfield/University of Kassel, Siemens press pictures (

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© Paavo Blåfield/University of Kassel, Siemens Press Images (