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09/30/2016 | Pressemitteilung

The world out of joint? Public lecture series on politics in times of global crises and conflicts

Some 70 years after the end of the Second World War and the founding of the UN, it seems as if the world is that the world is coming apart at the seams. On the causes and consequences of crises in the world, the Department of Political Theory at the University of Kassel is organizing a public lecture series in the winter semester 2016/17 entitled: "Welt aus den Fugen? Crises, Conflicts, Resistance."

Lectures will be held on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. beginning Oct. 19. Location: Lecture Hall 5 of the Campus Center at Holländischer Platz (Moritzstrasse 18). Admission is free.


In 2007, a global financial crisis broke out. As a result, states in Europe also came to the brink of bankruptcy. The hopes of the 'Arab Spring' for more democracy have long been dashed in many countries. New trouble spots are emerging in Libya, Ukraine, Syria and Turkey. Terrorist attacks are also hitting centers in the global North. Migration movements from the countries of older trouble spots have been able to reach the core regions of Europe in some cases. They raise questions about borders and borderlessness, asylum law, racism and 'welcome culture'.

The lecture series, which is largely organized by students, deals with these topics. Anne Engelhardt, a member of the student initiative, explains, "We want to give students and anyone else interested the opportunity to understand the current trouble spots. In doing so, we want to offer the audience not only analyses, but also present possible solutions." On October 19, the organizing team will provide an initial overview of the current situation in the world. Other speakers will take up questions of gender relations, international law and ecology as well as religion, neoliberal development policy and peace and protest movements in their lectures.

On November 9, for example, Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, University of Kassel, will speak about neoliberalism as a cause of flight. On November 30, Prof. i.R. Dr. Werner Ruf, member of the AG Friedensforschung at the University of Kassel, will give an overview of the Arab Revolution and the restoration of old power structures. On January 18, Anja Flach, staff member of the Kurdistan Information Center (ISKU), and Murat Cakir, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, will address authoritarian statehood in Turkey, and on February 1, Lühr Henken and Michael Schulze von Glaßer, Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V., will focus on the arms industry in Kassel and Germany.

The lecture series is supported by Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel (Department of Political Theory) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Eis (Department of Didactics of Political Education). The series of events, supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, will be accompanied by a blog on which the student participants will report on the individual lecture topics.


Time: Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. starting October 19.

Location: Lecture Hall 5 of the Campus Center at Holländischer Platz (Moritzstrasse 18).


Full program at:


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Anne Engelhardt
University of Kassel

Tel: 0176/82059604
E-Mail: weltausdenfugen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de