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07/15/2020 | Campus-Meldung

Award for federal project "Sheep creates landscape

State Secretary Oliver Conz (HMUKLV) presents award as official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity

Image: Anya Wichelhaus
During an excursion to the Kripp and Hielöchern near Frankershausen, Oliver Conz presents the award to the "Schaf schafft Landschaft" team

The region "Werratal with Hoher Meißner and Kaufunger Wald" is one of 30 designated "biodiversity hotspots" in Germany. The hallmark of this special landscape is its geological and scenic diversity. The shaping of this cultural landscape by man can also be experienced here - in particular, traditional sheep grazing has created a natural landscape that is unique.

The hotspot project "Sheep Create Landscape," led by the University of Kassel, is exploring ways to preserve and promote this landscape. State Secretary Oliver Conz of the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (HMUKLV) took part in an excursion to the Kripp and Hielöchern on Tuesday July 14 as part of his summer trip.

During the visit, Oliver Conz presented the "Sheep Creates Landscape" team with the award as an official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity. The award is given on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) to exemplary projects that are particularly committed to the conservation, sustainable use and communication of biological diversity.

A detailed report about the visit of Oliver Conz can be found on the website of the department "Landscape and Vegetation Ecology", which is headed by Prof. Dr. Gert Rosenthal:

Further information about the project:



Anya Wichelhaus (M.Sc.)

Department 06 - Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning
Department of Landscape and Vegetation Ecology

Tel: + 49 561 804 7195
Mail: anya.wichelhaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
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