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09/29/2020 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

Best Paper Award at the conference for educational technologies of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Informatics Society)

At the 18th Symposium on Educational Technologies of the German Informatics Society (DELFI) 2020, the long paper of the Department of Human-Machine Systems Engineering "Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Instruction for a Complex Assembly Task - Comparison of a Smartphone-based Augmented Reality Instruction with a Classic Paper Instruction for the Learning Phase in Manual Assembly" by Johannes Funk and Prof. Dr. Ludger Schmidt was awarded the "Best Paper Award".

Image: Human-Machine Systems Engineering Specialty.

Out of a total of 85 submissions, 13 were presented as long papers at the DELFI conference, which was held in purely digital format from September 14-18, 2020 together with the 15th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL).

The department's paper compares the use of augmented reality (AR) instruction with paper instruction commonly used in manual assembly using a real-world use case. For the self-generated AR instructions, a conventional smartphone was used on which the camera image was supplemented with virtual objects. An investigation was then conducted to determine whether the type of instruction had an effect on assembly time, the number of errors, usability and employee stress. A special feature of the study was that it was carried out with 16 industrial mechanic trainees, who had previous experience in the manual assembly of complex assemblies, at a real workplace for the assembly of emergency door release handles in rail vehicles. After the AR group assembled more slowly than the paper group at the beginning, the latter was significantly faster in the fifth run. The comparable number of errors, usability and stress make simple AR applications with smartphones interesting for knowledge transfer in manual assembly, especially due to the easy start and low cost.

Conference website: