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07/30/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Hessian Minister of Finance visits

Today (30.07.2021) Hesse's Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg visited Prof. Dr. Christian Klein at the University of Kassel. One of the topics of the joint discussion was sustainable finance.

Image: Ralph-Nicolas Pietzonka.
Prof. Dr. Christian Klein and Hesse's Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg met for talks in Kassel.

Today, Friday, Hessian Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg (CDU) concluded his summer tour in Kassel with a visit to Prof. Dr. Christian Klein (Professor of Sustainable Finance). In their conversation, Boddenberg learned about the opportunities that Sustainable Finance can offer.

"This was an exciting exchange on a highly topical subject. The Finance Minister and I agreed that taking sustainability aspects into account must play an important role in financial decisions. This applies to both private investments and public-sector investments. We also discussed the fact that the topic of sustainability must play a greater role in university teaching in the future - as is already the case here in Kassel," says Klein. Only recently, the professor commented in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on how important the topic of sustainability in the financial industry is for the education of students for their later careers, but also for companies.

"The financial industry of the future must be sustainable. As a state, we in Hesse have already taken important steps with sustainable investment criteria, by joining the Principles for Responsible Investment initiative supported by the United Nations, and just recently with the successful placement of the largest green bond of any German state. More are to follow - also as a model for the private sector. It is good and helpful to have scientific expertise on this in Kassel. The exchange about this is important to me. Many thanks to Professor Klein for new insights," said Boddenberg.