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09/10/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Text database KastELE for Spanish lessons

The new database KastELE combines didactic and linguistic expertise for teaching Spanish. It makes it possible to integrate authentic texts that guarantee topicality, diversity and cultural diversity at an early stage.

Image: Team KastELE with

It was developed within the framework of the research project PRONET2 "Professionalization through networking - continuation and potentiation in the sub-project "thinking texts dynamically". The solution lies in the combination of text and tasks and in a deliberate promotion of text competence. Creative tasks and targeted comprehension strategies are required to convey the Spanish-language world and at the same time to promote communicative and medial competences. KastELE provides the material: comprehensively prepared text profiles and task portfolios for all relevant levels of the CEFR (A1 - C2). The teaching materials are available to all users of the digital database KastELE free of charge as editable files for classroom and distance learning. When the Spanish-speaking world is just a click away on the Internet, it's worth taking a look and bringing it into the classroom!

PRONET2  (2019-2023) is a joint project of ZLB (Center for Teacher Education) and ZELL (Center for Empirical Research on Teaching/Learning) and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint Quality Initiative for Teacher Education. It aims - as PRONET already did in the first funding phase 2015-2018  - at the implementation of a coherently designed, evidence-based professionalization concept to be further developed.


To database: Text­da­ten­bank KastELE

To the homepage of the project: 2nd funding phase - Thinking texts dynamically


Contact persons at the Institute of Romance Studies:

Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott
Romance Linguistics
Tel.: +49 561 804-3359
E-Mail: angela.schrott[at]uni-kassel[dot]de             

Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak
Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research: Didactics of French and Spanish
Tel.: +49 561 804-3360
E-Mail: claudia.schlaak[at]uni-kassel[dot]de