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09/02/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Pedestrian zone on trial: closure of Untere Königsstraße

On September 4, an open-air experiment begins in Untere Königstraße: Until October 3, the passage of private vehicles is prohibited. the inner-city pedestrian zone is extended to the Holländischer Platz campus. A cultural program is to enliven the neighborhood.

Image: University of Kassel
The Raamwerk team from April 2020. At that time, the experiment had to be postponed due to Corona.

The city of Kassel is managing the project and is receiving scientific support from the University of Kassel. A subsequent analysis will show whether a permanent closure to traffic will prove successful. The street will be closed on Saturday, September 4, and the project will be ceremoniously opened at the corner of Jägerstraße on September 5 at 3:00 p.m. Buses and streetcars will continue to use Untere Königsstraße during the experiment. The major intersections Am Stern and Holländischer Platz will remain open for cars.   

Banish cars, revitalize the street

Studio Raamwerk organizes a cultural program. Local restaurateurs, associations and cultural workers are to liven up the street. Plans include live music, open-air cinema, picnics, a Turkish-German story hour, lectures and much more. "We want to make it possible to experience how valuable a car-free street can be for social interaction," Samson Kirschning of Raamwerk told the HNA. In addition to positive aspects of the mobility turnaround, the organizers promise an upgrading of the neighborhood.

Already in 2018, the city council had decided to create a temporary pedestrian zone in Untere Königsstraße. The realization was also delayed due to the Corona crisis.

More information and the program:

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Press and Public Relations
Phone: +49 561 804 -1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de