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07/28/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Research paper honored with Best of JURE Paper Award

From July 18 to 22, 2022, the JURE (Junior Researchers of EARLI) conference took place in Porto. Under the motto "Unpredictable Challenges - Education in a Rapidly Changing World", junior researchers presented their research work. Julia Götzfried, Lea Nemeth, Dr. Victoria Bleck and Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky were awarded the Best of JURE Paper Award for their paper "Conceptual change using podcasts - Dispelling the learning styles myth among pre-service teachers", presented by Julia Götzfried.

Julia Götzfried at the presentation of the research workImage: Kassel University
Julia Götzfried at the presentation of the research work

Debunking pedagogical myths

The presented study was developed in the project PEER - "Podcasts in Teacher Education", which is funded by the Foundation Innovation in Higher Education ("Strengthening Higher Education Teaching through Digitization") as part of the project "Uni Kassel digital: Redesigning University Teaching".

In this project, a podcast series on educational science topics for (prospective) teachers is being created to debunk pedagogical myths. A prominent example of such a myth is the so-called learning type theory. This theory states that individuals learn better when presented with information according to their preferred learning type (e.g., visual, auditory, haptic, intellectual). This is a fallacy that has been disproven by a large number of studies, but is widely agreed upon by student teachers and also by classroom teachers. The PEER project investigates how podcasts need to be designed in order to contribute to dispelling such pedagogical myths.


to the Department of Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching