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11/17/2022 | Porträts und Geschichten

He already knew the founding president

Janitor Mario Haack has worked at the university for 34 years - and has known it for much longer

Image: private
Mario Haack (front) with two colleagues in the early 1990s.

"My father was the chief chauffeur," says Mario Haack. "From Vera Rüdiger to Rolf-Dieter Postlep, he drove all the presidents. By the time he retired in 2004, he had probably covered around two million kilometers." When one appointment followed the next, the company car became a second office. Equipped with a telephone - still a rarity at the time - the presidents could make phone calls or do paperwork in the back while Hans-Jürgen Haack drove the car safely. He chauffeured the presidents to various partner universities in France, for example, to Kleinwalsertal and also to the former GDR. "Those were impressive experiences for my father, but I rarely saw him as a child. As a chauffeur, you have a full-time job. Paperwork is also part of it."

Mario Haack also got to know the presidents better. "Everyone was very nice and friendly to me. I often played with Vera Rüdiger's Airdale terrier Chico. And I was also sometimes allowed to ride in the official car. That was really exciting," laughs Haack. His mother also worked as a cleaner at the engineering school on Wilhelmshöher Allee. "We are a real GhK family," says Mario Haack. "My parents were always there for the university and their colleagues."

So it was only natural that Mario Haack's path would also lead him to the university. After training as a carpenter, the opportunity arose in 1988 to start as a janitor at the GhK - Haack seized this opportunity and has never regretted it. He particularly appreciates the team spirit among his colleagues and working independently. "This is only possible because the cooperation works very well and is based on trust. Everyone knows their tasks and you don't have to discuss every little thing."

Bernd Lachmann has been one of his colleagues in the caretaking department at HoPla since 2005: "Mario is always friendly and helpful. He doesn't lose his cool easily. It takes a lot to get him on the ball."

Highlights are the campus festivals

Mario Haack also appreciates the direct contact with the Faculties. Especially in the past, "we used to have a chat and a coffee with the odd professor or member of staff. That has changed." He believes that this is due to the establishment of the service desk, where all work orders are received and distributed centrally. "We don't even get in touch anymore. That's a great pity."

But even though the framework conditions have changed over the years, Mario Haack still enjoys it. "No two days are the same, we always have new challenges to overcome. We janitors are 'girls for everything', so to speak, and make sure that everything is in tiptop order: we replace broken furniture or light bulbs, carry out minor repairs in the sanitary facilities, repair doors and windows and do small removals. For more extensive work, external companies are commissioned by our property managers. We also make sure that everything is done properly and approve the work at the end."

"There's always plenty to do outside on campus too," Mario Haack continues. "We clear paths and parking lots. But we don't have to take care of the greenery, the gardeners do that. And in winter, we clear snow from the entrances."

The janitors are also called upon to help with events. "Our highlights are always the campus festivals. It's always a lot of work, but everyone pitches in and enjoys it - and of course we join in the celebrations.


Text: Kathrin Meckbach
This text appeared in the university magazine publik 3/2022 from October 10, 2022.