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Annual Conference of the Section for Historical Educational Research "Universities and Higher Education between Persistence and Reform. Perspectives on the History of Education"

Since their emergence in the High Middle Ages, they have been committed not only to the production of scientific knowledge, but also to the transmission of knowledge and its internal and public discussion. Scientific teachers and students also existed as status groups from the beginning; they constituted the university, distinguishing it from schools and academies in all centuries.

In a global-historical orientation and addressing all epochs from the Middle Ages to contemporary history, the section conference will discuss universities and colleges as places in the history of education in which, on the one hand, social developments were reflected, but which, on the other hand, also became motors and catalysts themselves, but sometimes also tended to persist, apart from social dynamics. Universities and colleges will be discussed from the perspective of persistence and reform in the history of education. The focus is not epochal or regionally/nationally limited. Rather, teaching and learning, debates about academic education, questions of academic socialization, etc. will be analyzed at different historical times and in different regions, states, and continents in their independence or dependence on social developments, including their contributions to social change.

The spectrum of topics is broad: it ranges from questions of scientific teaching materials, forms of teaching, the relationship between teachers and students including their conflicts, student organizations and ways of life, discussions about living together at universities, ideal images of the professor as a link between research and teaching, to questions of (scientific) masculinity and femininity and beyond.


Registration and further information can be found here:
The event will take place as a face-to-face event. Late registrations are still possible until 10.09.2021.

You can find the complete program here

Registration and further information can be found here

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