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Elementary school workshop in the mirror of the 50th anniversary of the University of Kassel

Presentation in the elementary school workshop for the seminar in the summer semester 2021.

An innovative place in teacher education
Since its foundation, the Elementary School Workshop has been firmly anchored in teacher education in Kassel and has been able to establish itself as a special teaching/learning space. Especially due to its anchoring as a university learning space, the elementary school workshop has special potentials for the professionalization of future teachers, since scientific knowledge (theoretical, empirical, systematic) and practical (action) knowledge (materials and media studies, design of learning environments, observation and support of learning processes) can be linked or related to each other. The elementary school workshop sees itself as a didactic laboratory in which the conditions and possibilities of learning are examined in relation to learning prerequisites, learning situations, and personal and institutional framework conditions, among other things, and a connection between teaching and learning processes is established.

Within the framework of the seminar, which will take place in the summer semester of 2021, learning environments will be developed that make the special learning and working in the primary school workshop visible and reflect the significance for teacher education in the mirror of the 50th anniversary of the university. Among other things, visits to the elementary school workshop by children, parents, teachers, and colleagues are planned.

The presentation of the results is expected from mid-September on Wednesdays from 14:00h to 17:00h in the rooms of the Elementary School Workshop.


Henschelstraße 19
34127 Kassel, Germany

Contact person:

Dr. Ralf Schneider
Head of Grundschulwerkstatt
+49 561 804-3601

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