
Each selected participant receives an Erasmus mobility allowance, which is designed to cover the increase in costs caused by being abroad.

The grant is paid in two installments: 70% before the start of the mobility (in the week after 15.07. or 15.12. - after the required documents have been submitted) and 30% after the end of the mobility (after all final documents have been submitted).

Funding rates 2024/25 (Project 2024)

Additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities

Participants with fewer opportunities can apply for a monthly grant of €250 in addition to the regular Erasmus grant under certain conditions. This is intended to provide special support for students for whom a stay abroad may be more challenging.

Participants with fewer opportunities include
1. students with a disability
2. students with additional needs due to a chronic illness
3. students with a child
4. first-time academics (students from a non-academic background)
5. students in employment

More information can be found here.

BAföG abroad

The Erasmus mobility allowance can be combined with BAföG abroad.  Please contact the responsible BAföG office for more detailed information.

The additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities in the case of disability, chronic illness and students with children are not
counted against the BAföG abroad. For first-time academics and students who in employment, however, it is taken into account (see Erlass des BMBF zum Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz und den Erasmus Social Top Ups).

Top up for "green travel"

Participants who use low-emission means of transport such as train, bus, bicycle or carpooling for the majority of the journey to/from the host institution (more than 50% of the journey) can apply for up to 6 additional travel days, each amounting to one daily rate (€18/€20).