Name and gender entry change

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1. change of surname due to marriage, adoption, divorce, etc.

You can find out how to change your last name below under "Application".

Please attach appropriate proof (marriage certificate, identity card, etc.) to the application.

You can apply for a new Campuscard at campuscard[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

2. name and gender entry change at the University of Kassel - information for students

To promote gender equity for inter*, trans* and non-binary students, there is the possibility to change name and gender entry at the University of Kassel. The data will be fully adjusted in the database so that in the future eCampus, CampusCard, email address, enrollment certificates, transcripts, etc. will contain the self-selected name or gender.

You can find out how to change your personal data below under "Application".

Early name change

Inter*, trans* and non-binary students can already have their name changed at the University of Kassel before an official name and personal status change according to the Personal Status Act (PStG) or the Transsexuality Act (TSG) has been completed. For this purpose, the presentation of the supplementary certificate of the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality (dgti e.V.) is obligatory. However, graduation certificates that have already been issued can only be changed after an official change of name.

Change of gender entry

In addition to the categories "female", "male" and "diverse", the gender entry can be freely selected in the dgti supplementary certificate. If not filled in, a "/" will be entered here.

Prerequisite for changing the data

To use the option of changing the first name and gender indication, the following is required:

  • Online application for change of first name (see "Application" below).
  • Scan of the identity card or the supplementary identity card of the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality

The dgti supplementary identity card

As long as the name and marital status of inter*, trans* and non-binary persons could not be officially changed, there is a discrepancy between gender identity and official documents like the identity card. This can lead to irritations, difficulties and problems in everyday life when persons have to identify themselves. The dgti supplementary identity card is a supplementary document that contains all the personal data chosen by the person, as well as a current passport photo. The supplementary ID card is unmistakably linked to the ID card via the ID card number. The dgti supplementary identity card is recognized by all ministries of the interior of the federal states, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, as well as various other authorities and ministries. The identity card can be applied for online via the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality(


All responsible authorities are bound by official secrecy. Please direct questions regarding application processing by email to studieren[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. A new campus card can be applied for at campuscard[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.


You apply for the change of your personal data online in the eCampus of the University of Kassel. To do this, log in to eCampus and go to "My studies → Applications" via the menu at the top left.

 To apply for a change of personal data, click on the item "Change personal data". Then select that you want to enter a new application and fill out the following pages. As "Reason" you choose which data of yours you want to change, then you enter your changed personal data and upload a corresponding proof.

Once you have submitted your application, it will have the status "Application submitted online" and you will find it under the overview "My submitted applications".

Please log in to eCampus regularly to view the status of your application. Changes will be displayed on the start page under "My notifications".

If you have any questions, please contact the Information Study at +49 561 804-2205 or studieren[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

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