Professional internship

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The professional internship serves as orientation in the various professional fields for Bachelor graduates, reflection on what has been learned and case-related application, as well as the practical selection of topics for the Bachelor thesis. In addition, foreign language skills can be deepened, e.g. by working abroad. The professional internship lasts 4 months and can also be divided into 2 times 2 months. The start date is after the third semester at the earliest. The professional internship takes place exclusively in companies, institutions and organizations that are upstream, downstream or upstream of agriculture.

The following is a step-by-step guide that will take you from preparing for the internship to completing it and submitting your internship report.

  1. 1.Ready for the professional internship?

    • at least 60 credits must be earned before the professional internship starts
    • we recommend to start the internship after the 3rd semester at the earliest
  2. 2.Find internship

    • Operation must be upstream, upstream or downstream of agriculture
    • Ex-farm processing/marketing operations must generally be fiscally independent commercial enterprises
    • The internship is usually a full-time internship
    • if divided into two internships, each internship must last at least 8 weeks
    • in the case of internships in foreign countries, up to 8 weeks can be spent on a farm.
    • in case of doubt contact Andreas Kleinlein

    Internship mailing list

    To search for an internship place you can register in the internship mailing list. For this you need the VPN client of the University of Kassel or you have to be in the Uninetz (e.g. in the library). If you have problems with the registration, please contact Andreas Kleinlein.

  3. 3.Internship contract

    We recommend that you draw up a contract with the internship company in which the following are regulated:

    • Period
    • working time
    • remuneration, if applicable

    Templates for contracts in various languages can be found further down the page.

    Student status

    Student status is maintained during the professional internship. In the case of possible remuneration, there are no costs for social insurance. However, accident insurance is the responsibility of the company. If the eligibility criteria are met, educational assistance is granted in accordance with the BAföG. The usual BAföG regulations apply. Student status requires enrollment. Since professional internships are study periods in the legal sense, there is no need for a work permit abroad. Of course, depending on the country's regulations, a residence permit may be required.

  4. 4.Support

    For the professional internship, a person is required to supervise and evaluate the written work. If the internship is divided into two parts, the scientific paper only has to be written about one part.

    • Person is employed at the Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences (FB11).
    • Person has an official teaching assignment
    • Please contact the relevant lecturers early (as soon as you have a commitment for the internship). This will give you a first orientation in which direction the internship report can go. Often the lecturers will also offer you a personal meeting. The topic can be finalized in consultation with the supervisor at the beginning of the internship.
  5. 5.Registration

    Prior to the start of the internship, the registration form must be submitted to Andreas Kleinlein.


    • Topic of the internship report is chosen
    • Signature of the supervising person is required here
    • Should be submitted digitally

    In case of splitting into two internships

    Please inform Andreas Kleinlein already during the first internship period and place and submit the contract if available.

  6. 6.Internship

    • Enjoy the time
    • Take away a lot of experience
    • We recommend to start writing the report during the internship already
  7. 7.Proof of internship

    • consists of a written internship report and a certificate from the training institution
    • must be submitted to Andreas Kleinlein no later than 3 months after the end of the intern ship.
    • Extension of the deadline possible in consultation with the supervisor
    • digital and paper form possible (consultation with supervisor)
    • Submission to Andreas Kleinlein

    Internship report:

    • Fill out the form for the internship database (alternatively, as a transitional measure: fill out the PDF data sheet) - In case of division, please fill out separately for each part of the internship.
    • Description of the internship site(s) and its/their regional references as a text (one page) - Must be submitted for both internship parts if split up
    • Description of the own activity, if necessary with an evaluation of the learning success (approx. 1-2 pages) - Must be available for both internship parts if split up
    • The activity and operation descriptions can be uploaded as an attachment to the form
    • In-depth treatment of a problem/issue (scientific paper using appropriate literature, thematically appropriate to the internship, approx. 15 pages). This is the actual topic of the paper. This part will be graded. Even if the internship is divided, only one part is required.

    Internship certificate contains:

    • Training company
    • Training period
    • Training content
    • Signature
    • If possible, letterhead and / or stamp of the company

    A (digital) copy of the certificates is sufficient

    As the internship report is an examination paper, a signed affidavit including information on the use of artificial intelligence is required. You can find more information on this in the document "Basic rules of scientific practice for written work".

  8. 8.Evaluation

    • The internship report is forwarded by Andreas Kleinlein to the supervisor.
    • The supervisor evaluates the written internship report
    • Registration of the grade by the study secretariat (if all internship parts are completed and the corresponding proofs are available).
    • The internship counts for 14 credits and the report for 6 credits.
    • 5% of the grade is included in the bachelor's degree grade

Andreas Kleinlein (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit- und Praktikumsreferat)

+49 5542 981275
+49 561 804-1309
Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen