Contact persons and examination office

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Student Advisory Service

Function/NameAddress/Phone Number/Email

Academic Advising 

Ángela María Falero Morente 

FB 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies
Kurt-Wolters Str. 5,
Room 4047
Tel.: +49 561 804-3376

E-mail: falero.morente[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Subject representatives Crediting procedure

Function/NameAddress/Phone number/E-mail

Subject Representative Crediting Procedure
Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Komorowska

Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 5 

Room 4062

E-mail: komorowska[at]uni-kassel[dot]de   

Phone: +49 561 804-3362



BAföG Officer

Function/NameAddress/Telephone number/E-mail

BAföG Representative
PD Dr. Juan-Manuel Garcia Serrano

Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 5 

Room 4052

E-mail: mserrano[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Phone: +49 561 804-7380

Office hours: see door hangar R. 0205



Student council (student representation)