Career prospects
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The labor market demand
Both public companies and authorities (55%) and private companies (43%) are specifically looking for master's graduates who have the qualifications acquired during their studies. The remainder (2%) are non-profit organizations. Most of the demand comes from the fields of waste management, urban water management, water pollution control and ecology, air pollution control/climate protection, transportation, hydraulic engineering and energy supply.
Fields of work of the Kassel graduates
28% of the Master's graduates name public administration, 19% water and waste management, 17% construction and 11% engineering offices as their employer.
With the building trade and/or the construction management hereby a further field of work opens for the master in relation to the Bachelor Berufseinsteiger*innen.

In addition to the contents of the Bachelor's program in Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel, the Master's program also offers a specialization in renewable energies such as solar, wind and water. This field of work is definitely relevant to the labor market: 22 % of the jobs suitable for Bachelor and Master graduates can be assigned to the rough field of energy.
Working conditions of the Kassel graduates
75% of the bachelor's degree graduates in environmental engineering go on to complete the corresponding master's degree.

One reason for this is the much better working conditions, which are comparable to those of Master's graduates in civil engineering. For example, the average starting salary of Master's graduates in environmental engineering is €2831 and the salary 1.5 years after entering the profession is €3041. Master's graduates are also much more likely to be offered management positions and permanent employment contracts than Bachelor's graduates.