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05/12/2021 | Pressemitteilung

Digital event series for the Grimm Poetics Professorship 2021 by Terézia Mora in June

Public events for this year's Brothers Grimm Poetics Professorship will be held in online formats from June 7-10, 2021.

Image: Antje Berghäuser

The series will start on Monday, June 7, with Terézia Mora's pre-recorded digital inaugural lecture entitled "Agoraphobics on Viewing Platforms." This will be available to the public as an (asynchronous) film stream, without registration, on the Grimm Poetics Professorship (GPP) homepage for what is expected to be several weeks(

On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, starting at 6 p.m., a public Zoom event will take place, consisting of two parts: on the one hand, it will be a public (audience) talk with Terézia Mora especially about her inaugural lecture. On the other hand, the trailer of the experimental film "SIE SAGEN IMMER TERÉZIA MORA" (D 2021; Director: Thomas Henke), which was produced on the occasion of the Grimm Poetics Professorship, will be shown publicly for the first time. Afterwards, in addition to the author, the film director Prof. Thomas Henke, the initiator Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer and other people involved in the film project will report on the film in a digital plenum and enter into dialogue with an interested audience. Information on registration will follow soon at

The final event will be a poetics seminar on Thursday, June 10 , from 12 to 2 pm. This will take place within the framework of the GPP accompanying seminar "Terézia Mora - Grimm Poetics Professor 2021" led by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer, with a limited number of participants and for university members only.

The Poetics Professorship has been awarded by the University of Kassel since 1985. Currently, the prize money is donated by the Kasseler Sparkasse. Herta Müller (1998), Volker Schlöndorff (2011) as well as Felicitas Hoppe (2019) have already held the visiting professorship. In addition to important authors, playwrights and filmmakers have also been honored. In public events, the award winners reflect on artistic processes and their works. 

Further information on the series of events and the Grimm Poetics Professorship can be found here:


Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer
Modern German Literature/Media Studies.
University of Kassel
Institute for German Studies
Brothers Grimm Poetics Professorship