Research ethics

The University of Kassel considers research for the acquisition of new scientific knowledge and the further development of academic investigation as such to be one of its central tasks. The constitutionally protected academic freedom is indispensable for this, but at the same time respect for research ethics is also essential.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Academy of Sciences have repeatedly emphasized the importance of research ethics and issued corresponding guidelines.

The ethics committees at the University of Kassel

The University of Kassel has one central and two faculty-based ethics committees:

  1. The University Ethics Committee of the University of Kassel for Faculties 02, 06-16 and the School of Art and Design
  2. The Ethics Committee for Human Sciences (Faculty 01)
  3. The Ethics Committee for Social Sciences for (Faculty 05)





Researchers in the Faculties 01 Human Sciences and 05 Social Sciences are requested to contact directly their faculty-specific ethics committees via the respective contact persons for questions and application reviews. Please note the various dates, deadlines and application documents.





For an ethical evaluation of your project, researchers at the University of Kassel from Faculties 02, 06-16 and the School of Art and Design (KHS) must first complete a self-assessment and send it to the office of the University Ethics Committee. They will then receive an evaluation and further information. If a formal evaluation is required, we will then send you the current application form.

Please note
Please do not use older versions of the application form, as the contents have changed. You will always receive the latest version of the application form from the office.

Please return your completed applications by e-mail to the committee office.

Please note
In order to be reviewed, applications must be received by the office 4 weeks before the respective meeting dates.

The meeting dates can be found on the University Ethics Committee website.