Aim, Content and Structure
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The Master programme emphasizes the main research areas of the faculty at the Institute of Economics. The overall objective is to provide students with an excellent education in economics with a special focus on behavioural economics, empirical methods and the application of both on economic policy and governance issues.

The Master programme qualifies students for a wide array of jobs in academia and beyond. The strong emphasis on governance and economic policy issues opens up career opportunities in government agencies and public administration, supranational organisations, NGOs as well as multinational firms.
The community of German students and students from many other countries provides an inspiring learning environment. It offers the opportunities for all participants to broaden their horizon and enhance their intercultural skills.
The programme consists of the following modules:
- Research Methods (A+B):
This module is designed to introduce students to advanced empirical research methods in economics and train them to apply these methods to test theories and analyse economic policy problems and governance issues.
- Economic Behaviour (A+B):
The focus of this module is to obtain knowledge in advanced modelling techniques of agent’s behaviour in different economic situations. Students are introduced to a number of different theories in the field of behavioural economics, they learn to apply empirical research methods (especially experimental methods) and to explore more deeply the factors that drive human behaviour.
- Governance (A+B):
The module concentrates on the field of economic policy and governance issues. Students learn to apply the empirical research methods and theoretical concepts to address questions of economic policy and governance. A special emphasis rests on the application of approaches from behavioural economics and on public choice concepts.
- Advanced Topics in Corporate Governance, Consumer Behaviour and Management (A+B):
Advanced concepts and methods in the field of business administration are the main focus of this module. Students obtain analytical skills in the field of corporate management, consumer behaviour and consumer research.
- Seminar in Economic Behaviour:
In this module, students have to apply their obtained knowledge on a specific research question in the field of economic behaviour.
- Seminar in Governance:
In this module, students have to apply their obtained knowledge to a specific problem in the field of governance. The seminars will focus on contemporary challenges in the field of economic policies and governance.
- Additive Skills:
This module is introduced to inspire students to look beyond the scope of economics, develop their personality and broaden their labour market opportunities.
- Master Thesis and Colloqium:
In their master thesis, students have the opportunity, to do own research or to join one of the research teams at the Institute of Economics and contribute to their ongoing research projects.
Knowledge of German is not required for participation in the programme. However, German-speaking students can acquire up to two third of the credits in German.
Most of the courses are taught by scholars from the Institute of Economics. The course programme is complemented by courses from other institutes (mainly the Institute of Economic Law and the Institute of Management and Business).