Catholic religion (teaching profession)

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The subject "Catholic Religion" can be studied in every teacher training program. Like hardly any other subject, theology offers the opportunity to reflect on one's own convictions and values and to find well-founded points of view. One does not have to be Catholic to be allowed to study the subject "Catholic Religion", however, this is a prerequisite for later obtaining a church teaching permit at a school.

General aims of the study

The aim of the study program is the formation of a professional, technically as well as methodically competent identity as a teacher of religion. It serves the acquisition of subject-specific and subject-didactic competencies that enable students to teach the subject "Catholic Religion". 

Tips for the study of religion

  • The courses for the subject "Catholic Religion" are usually held at the location Holländischer Platz (HoPla).
  • When preparing the timetable, it should be noted that the dates of the tutorials, are announced relatively late.
  • A detailed description of the subject can be found in the current examination regulations.

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