Art (teaching subject)
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The subject art can be studied in the teacher training programs "Elementary School", "Secondary School" and "Gymnasium" . The combination of the subjects art and music for the teaching profession at grammar schools is not possible.
The special feature of the art teacher training program in Kassel is that the subject is studied at an art academy. This means that students are in close contact and exchange with other students in the classes of Fine Arts as well as Visual Communication. This makes it possible to get to know and practice a broad spectrum of aesthetic practice and to set priorities in the free as well as applied areas.

General goals of the study program
Aesthetic practice, which develops and reflects both artistic and creative ways of working, perceiving and thinking, is at the center of the study program. Building on and referring to the abilities of one's own artistic and creative action on the one hand and on art-scientific knowledge and methods on the other, possibilities of art-didactic thinking and action are developed.
Tips for studying art
- In order to be able to study art, you must first pass the artistic aptitude test. The application deadline for the aptitude test is 30.04. of each year. More information can be found on the page of the School of Art (Lehrramt Kunst).
- The courses for the subject art are usually held at the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Menzelstraße 13-15).
- Students who have chosen art for the teaching profession at grammar schools must clarify at the beginning of their studies whether the second teaching subject is to be studied at the level of "Haupt- und Realschule" or whether the teaching qualification for the grammar school upper level is to be acquired here as well. In this case, an extension of the study period is to be expected. The corresponding form and further information can be obtained at the introductory course or from the secretary's office at the School of Art.
- A detailed description of the subject can be found in the current examination regulations.
Information and advice
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