Educational and social science core study program (teacher training subject)

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At a glance

Key facts

The core study program is a compulsory part of all teacher training courses; courses are offered across all school levels.

  • Over 4,600 students at the University of Kassel take the core study program
  • Courses come from the following departments

The following social and educational science content is covered in the core study program:

  • Teaching, learning, instruction
  • Observation, counseling, support in the pedagogical field
  • Developing and shaping schools and educational institutions
  • Education and upbringing in a social context.

More information on the content and structure of the core study program

The core study program has a multidisciplinary structure. Seven institutes and specialist groups from different subject areas are responsible for teaching: educational science, music, psychology, history, political science, sociology and vocational training.

Another special feature are the study workshops and teaching-learning laboratorieswhich support student teachers in their professionalization.

Information on the history of core studies at the University of Kassel (pdf download)

Contact persons for prospective students

If you have any questions about the content and course of the core study program, please contact the Student Advisory Service.

Contact persons for prospective students: Forward

Introduction and start of studies

Contact persons and office hours

Information and advice

Subject-specific study counseling

General study counseling

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