The Student Parliament (Stupa)

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What is the Student Parliament?

The student parliament (also called student representation or student council) is a democratically elected organization of students that advocates for the interests and needs of students at their university. The student parliament is usually elected for one year and consists of members elected by the student body of the university.

The main task of the student parliament is to represent the interests of the students to the university management, politicians and other organizations. This includes issues such as improving study conditions, increasing financial support for students, strengthening student participation, promoting cultural activities and organizing social events for students.

The student parliament works closely with other student organizations such as student councils and university groups, and also represents students on a national and international level in various committees and organizations.

Livestream / Zoom link

Join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 986 6723 3178

The Zoom transmission (currently only sound) works well according to previous feedback, unfortunately the transmission broke down several times in the January meeting due to the failure of Eduroam.

Announcement of the next meeting

The next regular meeting of the student parliament will take place on Wednesday, February 05 at 18:00 in the Kunsthochschule Entrance A North Building Lecture Hall 0605 will take place.


Preliminary calendar of meetings for WS24/25

The StuPa meetings usually take place every three weeks on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. in the Studihaus.

Meetings are scheduled for the following days this semester:

Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 6:00 p.m. (meeting will be held in Menzelstraße 13 Nordbau - Room 0605 in the School of Art).

The meeting calendar will be adjusted if necessary, formal announcements and invitations to the respective meetings will continue to be sent to the parliamentarians by e-mail in the usual way.

Archive of invitations and minutes