Application with German certificates

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Admission requirements for this master's degree program

Only those who

a) has successfully completed a Bachelor's degree program that was accredited for the implementation of the Bachelor's part of the PsychThApprO of 04.03.2020 and

b) can prove English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

  • Your application documents must show that your Bachelor's degree course has been recognized by the responsible state authority under professional law and thus ensures that the objectives according to § 7 PsychThG are achieved and that the professional requirements of the Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG) and the Licensing Regulations for Psychotherapists (PsychThApprO) are met.
  • Or that you have an equivalent degree whose learning outcomes meet the requirements of the PsychThG and the licensing regulations for psychotherapists (PsychThApprO). To this end, you must prove that you have completed the required content within your degree program. The study and examination regulations, module handbook, transcript of records and degree certificate are decisive for this. Courses that were completed during the degree program but are not part of the curriculum (e.g. follow-up training, additional courses, etc.) are not part of the degree program required in accordance with § 9 PsychThG and cannot be taken into account in the examination.

Notwithstanding this, study and examination achievements that were completed outside the curriculum can be taken into account as an exception if the course of study was started by the winter semester 2020/2021 at the latest and the achievements were completed during the course of study at the same university (e.g. follow-up training directly at your Bachelor's university).

The approval-compliant internships (Orientierungspraktikum and Berufsqualifizierende Tätigkeit I) must be completed as part of the Bachelor's degree program and the BQT I in Germany. The Bachelor's degree program may therefore not be completed before the internships have been completed. Proof of the approbation-compliant professional internships in the Bachelor's program must be submitted to the University of Kassel no later than upon submission of the final certificate documents (15.01. of the following year). Until the proof has been submitted, admission is only possible with reservations.

General questions

Please direct general questions about the admissions process to the Student Information Office.

General questions: Forward

Admission FAQs

Information on admission to the new M.Sc. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy with licensure examination.

Admission FAQs: Forward

Step by step guide

  1. 1.Deadlines

    • Can I apply already?

    The application deadline for this program can be found below the program description on the program home page. 

  2. 2.NC

    • Do I have a special life situation that should be considered in the application process?

    Admission restriction(NC)
    An admission restriction (also known as "NC = Numerus clausus") means that only a certain number of study places are available in a course or subject. These places are offered to applicants according to a set procedure.

    Special life situations
    If a non-admission to the study program would mean an extraordinary hardship for you, this can be taken into account when allocating study places. Please find out more here:    exceptional hardship.

  3. 3.Documents

    • I will take care of the necessary documents, which I have to scan for the online application.
    • External applicants: I fill out the form for additional information on my studies in full and submit it with my application:

      Form: Additional study details

    What documents do I need for the application?

    1. Copy of your university entrance qualification certificate
    2. Copy of your first professionally qualifying university degree (certificate: e.g. Bachelor's degree, Diplom I, state examination) If you do not have a Bachelor's degree certificate at the time of application, please upload the following documents:
      1. Preliminary overview of subjects and grades of your previous studies and
      2. the certificate completed and signed by your current examination office regarding the status of your studies.

      At least 80% of the credits required for a degree must already have been completed and passed at the time of application. This corresponds to 144 out of 180 or 168 out of 210 credits. Proof of admission to the Bachelor's thesis must be submitted upon enrollment at the latest.
    3. Proof of English language skills at level B2
    4. Professional recognition of the Bachelor's degree program and form for additional information on the degree program. A certificate must be submitted as proof of professional recognition (or equivalent). You can use the form for the certificate of professional recognition or an equivalent certificate (e.g. also a clear entry on the transcript of records, on the certificate). Please also complete and submit the form for additional information on your studies.
    5. Module handbook or equivalent document containing information on module descriptions, scope of credits, examinations, etc. Make absolutely sure that it is the module handbook that is assigned to the examination regulations according to which you are studying or have studied for a Bachelor's degree

    Your application will only be processed once the documents are complete. Officially certified copies only need to be submitted in the event of enrollment.

  4. 4.eCampus

    • I open the website of the application portal "eCampus":
      eCampus - Register now
    • I click on"Registration".
    • I enter my details and set a password. 
    • I receive an e-mail and click on the confirmation link in the e-mail  

    The University of Kassel strongly recommends activating the email notification and logging into the application portal regularly.

  5. 5.Application


    • I use a desktop PC or a laptop. The online application is not suitable for smartphones.
    • I have scanned the necessary documents for the online application.
    • I open the website of the application portal"eCampus":

    eCampus - Fill out application now

    • I log in again to the application portal "eCampus" with my user name and password. 
    • I click on the menu item "My studies" and then on "Study application".

    Fill out the application:

    • I select the intended master's degree program in the online application.
    • I fill out the online form and upload any relevant supporting documents. If I am unclear, I read the help texts next to the questions. 
    • I confirm that my data is complete and true and submit my application online by clicking on the "Submit application" button. The online application page opens.
  6. 6.Editing

    • As soon as my application has been received by the Student Secretariat, my application status and my application subject status are set to "digitally received".
    • I will receive all further information on the processing status of my application via an e-mail indicating the change in status of my application. I can then find more detailed information in the application overview in eCampus. (We recommend that you activate the e-mail notification and log in to the application portal regularly).


    • Your application will first be formally checked: Have all documents been uploaded? Are the formal requirements met?

    • Once the formal check has been completed, the application is forwarded to the examination board of your degree program. The status of your application changes to "In progress".

    • In the next step, the examination board checks whether the content-related requirements for admission are also met and decides on the subject-related equivalence, the recognition of previous achievements and decides whether the application is admissible or should be rejected. In the case of admissibility, content-related conditions may also be imposed.  

    • The examination board digitally reports the result back to the master's office.

    • If it is discovered during the procedure that documents are missing, the applicants will be informed of this by e-mail. The e-mail will state the deadline for submission.

    • Depending on the Master's program, it may take up to six weeks until you receive the result. Please refrain from making inquiries during this time.

  7. 7.Selection procedure

    All information on the exact procedure of a selection process can be found here:

    It is not possible to make a statement about your chances of admission before the selection procedure has been carried out.

    The selection procedure is usually conducted in mid-August (for applications for a winter semester) and mid-February (for applications for a summer semester). The results of the procedure can be viewed here: Selection results

    Move-up and lottery procedures

    Often, some study places remain unoccupied after the main procedure has been completed and a move-up procedure is carried out. You will automatically participate in this procedure if you have not yet received an offer of a study place for this subject.

    Please note that in order to participate in a lottery procedure (probably in October for the winter semester or in April for the summer semester), you must submit a new application via eCampus. 

    If necessary, you should also consider applying in good time for an admission-free degree program in a similar subject. The chances of obtaining a study place in the lottery procedure are rather low. 

  8. 8.Decision

    • Subsequently, I receive either an admission or rejection.
    • If I am admitted, the application status and application subject status of my application will be set to "Offer of admission has been made" and I can enroll online.
    • In case of rejection, the application status and application subject status of my application will be set to "Rejected". I can find the exact reasons for rejection in the rejection notice, which I can access in eCampus. I save the rejection notice.

    The notices are not sent by mail.

  9. 9.Approval

    • I receive my offer of admission via eCampus. I am made aware of this by an email that I have received an offer of admission. I log on to eCampus and can retrieve my notification of admission. With the admission I also receive information about any requirements to be fulfilled.
    • I save my notification of admission.
  10. 10.Enrollment

    • I open the website of the application portal"eCampus": eCampus - Enroll Now
    • I log in again to the application portal "eCampus" with my user name and password. 
    • I click on the menu item"My studies" and then on"Application for studies".
    • I fill out the form"Apply for enrollment".
    • I upload my portrait photo here and provide health insurance information.
    • I complete the enrollment and have my semester fee calculated.
    • My application and application subject status are now set to "Enrollment applied".
  11. 11.Semester fee

    • I transfer the semester fee. 

    Fees are charged for your studies every semester (administrative fee, student union, semester ticket, AStA). You will find the exact amount, the payment deadline and the details for the transfer in the application for enrollment. Further information is also available here: Semesterbeitrag

  12. 12.CampusCard

    • I will receive the CampusCard by mail as soon as I have transferred my semester fee.

    The CampusCard is your student ID card for the entire duration of your studies. It is also library card, cultural ticket, payment card in the canteen, copy card, etc. Further information can be found here: CampusCard

  13. 13.Funding

    • I find out about financing options.

    Here you can find information about the study financing: Financing

  14. 14.Living

    • I am looking for a place to live.

    Here you can find information about the student housing market in Kassel and Witzenhausen: Housing

  15. 15.Start of study

    • I check the"Introduction and Start of Studies"subpage   for the dates of the introductory events. 

Status messages in eCampus

Application/Application Subject/Approval Status*.


In preparation

Application process has been started but not yet submitted digitally.

Digitally received

The application has been submitted digitally and is ready for review by the Master's Office.


You have withdrawn your application. This will now no longer be reviewed and will not participate in the process.

In process - digitally received

The request has been formally reviewed and forwarded to the review board.

In process - provisionally excluded

Documents are still missing.

Offer of admission has been received

You have been offered a place to study this subject.


Your application has been reviewed and is participating in the selection process.

Offer of admission currently not possible

You have currently not been offered a study place for this subject. Your application will be considered for a possible move-up procedure.


Unfortunately, you have not been offered a place on this course.

Deadline exceeded

You have not accepted your study offer within the deadline.

*To indicate the progress of an application, each application and each application subject has a status. Application statuses are related to the application; application subject status and admission status are related to the individual subject of an application.

  • Enrollmentapplied for: Application has been submitted digitally in eCampus.
  • Enrollmentin progress: Paper application has been received and is being processed.
  • Enrolled: You have been successfully enrolled.
  • Enrollmentdenied: There were irrefutable barriers. You cannot be enrolled.