Links for job hunting and occupational fields

General job search

Job search with industry directories and job boards

Tips for finding a part-time job in Kassel

For humanities and social scientists we have subscribed to the job market . On KULTweet you will find a good compilation of job offers. In addition, there is a brochure specifically on fields of work and career prospects for students of the social sciences.

Research in Kassel

On the page Cultural Topography Kassel institutions and initiatives from all parts of the cultural sector are linked.

The economic development agency of the Kassel region provides a list of the largest companies in North Hesse. Further information.

The social work program at the University of Kassel provides a comprehensive list of employers from the social sector in the region.

Jobs in science and research

On the page of theHochschulrektorenkonferenz (German Rectors' Conference ) the German universities and colleges are linked with their advertised university positions.

You can use the University Compass to specifically identify universities that are active in your desired field in order to narrow down your selection.

The University of Kassel has its own portal for jobs at the University of Kassel. We have provided further information for you, including information on working in non-university institutions.

The funding opportunities for young scientists are also of interest to those interested in doctoral studies, PhD students and postdocs.

Working in international cooperation

Info about occupational fields in demand

Working in the Public Sector
In the OECKL - Pocketbook of Public Life you will find over 1,000 records of institutions in the public sector and thus of potential employers.

Professions with foreign languages

Journalism and media professions

Marketing, PR and advertising

The German Museum Association presents the museum field of work and publishes job offers throughout Germany.

The Bundesverband deutscher Stiftungen (Federal Association of German Foundations) is particularly suitable for the field of foundations and the jobs advertised there.

The German Bundestag publishes an overview of 2,000 associations active in Germany on its homepage. The list can be searched for specific areas of work (e.g., environmental protection, human rights, education) using the search function.


We have compiled further information under Occupational fields.

The salary

Here you will find information on how to indicate salary requirements in job applications.

Information on salaries in various industries, starting salaries, etc. can be found in our link list on the subject of salaries.

Alternatives to the classic apprenticeship

Information with the various options for student teachers who drop out, students who do not want to go into student teaching, or students who want to do something other than go into public education after their student teaching can be found here.

Information on lateral entry into state schools by individual federal state can be found here.