Executive Board

Executive Board: Members

Name, Forename Contact
Prof. Dr. Buckel, Sonja
Vice-president, Chairperson
Prof. Dr. Schrott, Angela
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Prof. Dr. Söllner, Matthias
FB 07: Faculty of Economics and Management
Dr. Liehr, Alexander
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Dr. Ansari, Christine
Centre for Teacher Training

Executive Board: Substitude members

Name, Forename Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fehlbier, Martin
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Prof. Dr. Zimmermann, Johannes
FB 01: Fa­cul­ty of Hu­man Sci­en­ces
Bröckel, Jan
FB 10: Fa­cul­ty of Ma­the­ma­tics and Na­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Heiden, Anna Katharina
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies

Information on da­ta pro­tec­tion law wi­t­hin the frame­work of com­mit­tee work