Department of Culture

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Olivia Reus


Information on consultation hours:
Tuesdays 11-12, Thursdays: 14-16

Oliver Schulz


Notes on consultation hours:

Michael Dreps


Notes on consultation hours

The Kulturzentrum Färberei is a student-managed cultural venue of the AStA.

We offer a variety of cultural events, parties and concerts. We try to offer always changing events, themes and genres. 
With reasonable prices for drinks and admission, we want to give all students the opportunity to spend a good evening with us.

You have an idea for an event? 
Feel free to contact us!

Student House
Cultural Office: 1109

Telephone number: 0561-804-3803

Mail:  kultur[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de

Instagram: @kulturzentrum_faerberei