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  • Public and private educational institutions (academies, educational organizations)
  • Private schools, boarding schools, textbook publishers
  • Adult education centers, universities (e.g. study guidance, career service)
  • Political parties, associations & Trade unions
  • Churches, institutions for life assistance
  • In-house counseling services or continuing education programs
  • Employees and employers' associations, chambers of industry and commerce
  • Goethe Institutes and similar

Here you will find examples of regional institutions that provide internships.

The activities in the field of education are manifold, ranging from the conception of educational events and their organization (event management), at large providers of continuing education, to coaching at educational institutions. Education officers or coordinators structure existing offers, design new ones and network with the actors in the relevant field. There are also state-funded projects, for example in the area of career guidance for schoolchildren.

There are many self-employed people in the education sector, especially as trainers or coaches.

Work in

  • event implementation and advising at universities, e.g. at the Language Center, Career Service, in the International Office or in student advising as a student assistant.
  • Get to know educational institutions through internships. Depending on the explicit goal, e.g. in tutoring institutes, by leading youth groups, by volunteering in church congregations or at sports clubs.

Prerequisites for entering the profession

  • didactic and pedagogical experience
  • practically proven problem-solving ability
  • A degree with pedagogical content is often a prerequisite

For entry from non-pedagogical courses of study, long-term study-accompanying experience in pedagogical work is indispensable, e.g. as a youth leader in a club or as a trainer.

Lateral entry into the teaching profession can be a good option for shortage subjects (entry options vary from state to state).

Work in <link>Counseling.