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On this page you will find more information about the participation conditions of the Career Service events.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail: career@uni-kassel.de

The registration deadline for each event is as advertised. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received via our registration system . The registered persons will receive a registration confirmation with the event data by e-mail.
Before the start of the event, the registered persons will receive a reminder e-mail from us with current information about the event.

If the event is fully booked, the message "This event is unfortunately fully booked" will appear.In this case, a waiting list is usually opened.

All students and graduates as well as doctoral students and employees of the University of Kassel can participate in the events of the Career Service.

If events are only suitable for certain groups of people, this is clearly stated in the announcement text. In the case of events for certain study programs, students from other study programs can take up free places if there are not enough registrations from the designated area. Those who have registered from other areas will receive a message from us stating whether they can take part in the event.

The online seminars are conducted via Zoom. For this you need a PC/ Mac/ Smartphone (Android or iOS), a connection to the internet (does not have to be WLAN of the University of Kassel), the free Zoom software and speakers or headphones.

To install the Zoom software, simply click on the Zoom link. If you have any problems, please call us at 804 2472. If you still have problems, you can simply email us at career[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. Just before the online seminars start, you can also call us at 0561 / 804 3263. If you encounter any problems during the online seminars, you can use the chat for that.

The collection and storage of personal data is on a voluntary basis. The information is used exclusively for statistical and administrative purposes within the UniKasselTransfer Career Service. It will not be published or passed on to third parties. A revocation of the consent to use is possible. To do so, please contact Jens Behrmann, by phone 0561 804 2472 or by mail behrmann[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.Data protection is taken into account.

The Career Services events are free of charge for students, doctoral candidates, employees and graduates of the University of Kassel.

If you are unable to attend, you are obliged to cancel your registration. To do so, send an informal e-mail to: career@uni-kassel.de
Please always unsubscribe in case of non-participation, otherwise other interested parties will be deprived of places. Deregistration from participation is possible around the clock.

If an event is fully booked a waiting list will be created.

We send a reminder email to those registered about 10 days before the event, after which some places are usually available again. The people on the waiting list will be informed about this and can then register for the available places.

The organizer has the right to cancel the event in case of insufficient participation or unforeseeable events. The participants will be informed immediately.

As a central institution of the University of Kassel, the Career Service cannot recognize credits. The departments are responsible for the recognition of credits according to the ECTS guidelines within the framework of the respective study and examination regulations.

Our multi-day events on additional qualifications for students of the humanities and social sciences have an independent practical component and comprise 60 working hours including preparation and follow-up. Upon full participation in the event and passing the practical performance (usually a written exam), we award a certificate and recommend that the departments recognize 2 credits. The certificates are ungraded.
Please contact your departments regarding recognition.

We are unable to award certificates for our other event offerings such as lectures, day-long and half-day workshops. However, we are happy to issue a certificate of attendance upon request.