Practical phases

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Julia Hellwig's open telephone consultation is canceled on Wednesday, 19.02.2025 at 10 a.m.

Examination dates

The BPS department will only arrange examination appointments by telephone during the following office hours:

Monday 15:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00

Dear students,

We have been thinking for a long time about whether to call you by your first name or by your second name. We have decided to use a professional "you" here.

Who are we and what do we want from you?

We are the team for professional practical studies and are involved in your course of studies. Even after the Bachelor of Social Work we are responsible for the process of state recognition. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid us.

Your BPS team, from left: Valentin Harnecker, Sabine Hoier, Alexander Salmen, Julia Hellwig, Christian Kreutz, Jenny Chen, Joey Ristau

Therefore, in short, the important responsibilities in case of questions or problems:

All about the accompanying seminars, internships abroad and content-related advice: Sabine Hoier

For everything concerning supervision and content-related advice: Julia Hellwig

Valentin Harnecker and the supporting team of student assistants are responsible for everything concerning your contracts, booking of services, certificates and administrative advice.

In addition to the bureaucratic function, we see it as our task to provide you with a good practical experience. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems, wishes or suggestions concerning your internship. We always have an open ear for you and are grateful for your feedback. In this way, you help us to make the practical studies and the state recognition even better.

We wish you a smooth course of studies and hope that you will gain good practical experience!

Your BPS Team

PS: Of course, we are also the contact persons for the internships, cooperation partners, etc.!

Telephone consultation

0561 - 804 2905

Mondays, 3 - 5 p.m.
Tuesdays, 4 - 6 p.m.
Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Postal address (for sending contracts, certificates, applications, etc.)


Please send documents by mail only in exceptional cases or after consultation with the BPS department, please use the e-mail address instead if possible!

University of Kassel
FB01; BPS-Referat des IfS
Attn: Valentin Harnecker
Arnold-Bode-Strasse 10
34109 Kassel

Professional Practical Studies (Module BPS)

The Professional Practical Studies take place as a theory-guided and application-oriented semester of professional practical studies within the BA Social Work.

Professional Practical Studies (Module BPS): Forward

Professional internship and state recognition

The professional internship is an additional practical phase after the bachelor's degree in order to obtain state recognition.

Professional internship and state recognition: Forward

Practice Site Information

In the list of practical training centers you will find possible practical training centers in the postal code area 33000 to 34999 as well as institutions whose instructors have completed the instructor qualification of the University of Kassel. The BPS department will inform you about other recognized institutions. If the institution you have chosen is not yet recognized, the institution can apply for recognition. One of the prerequisites is that the specialist providing practical guidance must have state recognition as a social pedagogue. Recommendations for practice guidance are summarized in the brochure of the Federal Working Group for Practice Guidance. Here you will find, for example, on pages 39-41, information on drawing up the training plan.

Practice Fair

Our annual internship fair, which takes place in the summer semester, has developed into a meeting place between professional practice and the university. The fair offers a large number of social institutions the opportunity to present their field of work to an interested audience. It gives you the opportunity to find out about the wide range of internships on offer and to develop criteria for choosing an internship.

The next internship fair will take place on June 3, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.