From potato, sunflower & Co to the finished component

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From potato, sunflower & Co to the finished component - the processing and development of durable biocomposites

Lecture and guided tour through our laboratory with hands-on character: Find out what bioplastics and biocomposites are and how the Department of Plastics Engineering works and researches them. A puzzle including a main rice awaits you.

Registration information

Target group: School classes and interested groups from year 9 upwards 

Format: Lecture and guided tour with hands-on character

Aim: Insights into the development of bioplastics and biocomposites 

Organizer: Department of Plastics Technology

Duration: 90 minutes

Group size: up to 15 people

Are you interested in this offer with your school class or group or do you have detailed questions? Please contact us and we will be happy to organize a suitable experience for you.

CTA: Contact us