Program on Friday, 12.05.2023

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Main location Wilhelmshöher Allee 71-73

At the location of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Wilhelmshöher Allee, visitors could take part in exciting experiments and hands-on activities on the topics of energy, artificial intelligence and programming. 

The department's student council took care of the physical well-being by preparing sweet crêpes.

Offers of the University of Kassel

Open lab
Agent-based energy market
Agents on a Raspberry Pi cluster optimize their energy management with PV and electric car. 
(Department of Integrated Energy Systems)
Hands-on offer
Electrical engineering and electronics to touch and experiment 

We offer students to experiment in the lab with electronics/electrical engineering setups under the motto: "Electrical engineering to touch - experiment with electronics."
(Department of Vehicle Systems and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Which is better? Scale, order and understand data correctly! Why we often evaluate incorrectly
Interactive lecture on scaling, comparing and calculating with categorical and ordinal data. 
(Department of Knowledge Processing)
Using Machine Learning to Understand and Benefit from Data 
Machine learning methods are used to extract knowledge from data. Data is ubiquitous in our world, coming for example from websites, surveys, sensors such as cameras, etc. The lecture explains what machine learning is and shows with simple examples how a decision tree or a neural network can be used for data analysis.
(Department of Intelligent Embedded Systems)
Fuel Cells in Energy Supply - Using Hydrogen 
Hydrogen is the most abundant element of the periodic table in the (known) universe. We show how this hydrogen can be used as an energy carrier and alternative to diesel and gas. Above all, where does the hydrogen come from that we need for the planned conversions of our supply and transport system, and what can a future energy supply actually look like? 
(Department of Energy Supply Systems)
Hands-on activity
Programming with Calliope mini 
Programming yourself with the Calliope mini, graphically with blocks or "real" program code.
(Department of Communication Technology)
Full body scanners - deep insights before take-off
How body scanners work and how they are built will be discussed in this lecture.
(Department of Microwave Electronics)
Hands-on offer
Activity recognition via smartphone 
Two demos on activity recognition and gesture control via smartphone sensors will be shown and the background explained.
(Department of Communication Technology)
Automation for Sustainability

Lab session showing how automation can help save energy.
(Department of Control and Systems Theory

System theory of the energy transition
Presentation of the structures of a future renewable energy system, covering the basic issues of storage size, necessary generation capacity, sector coupling and flexibilization, as well as the macroeconomic impact.
(Department of Integrated Energy Systems)
Taster course
E-mobility with green electricity
(Department of Mechatronics with a focus on vehicles)
Hands-on offer
Programming with M5Stack
Do-it-yourself programming with M5Stack Atom for seniors and adults.
(Department of Communication Technology)
Generating energy from recycled composites - the dye solar cell 
In a workshop, dye solar cells are built from recycled LCD screens. 
(Kunsthochschule Kassel)
Hands-on Recycling - Plastic Waste and Injection Molding 
In our workshop, we will recycle plastic waste and use a process developed at the Kunsthochschule to make new everyday objects. The participants can take their recycled products home afterwards.
(Kunsthochschule Kassel)

Offers at locations in the region

Workshops and hands-on offers
MINT at the Max-Eyth-School
Daily changing offers in the premises of the Max-Eyth-School
Workshop for students
Energy turnaround heroes build a solar sound system for their school
Vocational orientation for apprenticeships with energy transition relevance
(SoLocal Energy e.V. in cooperation with the training workshops of the University of Kassel)
Toast and how computers talk 
The workshop gives an introduction to algorithms using a practical example of a morning breakfast routine. We will also dive into the world of binary numbers, which we will use to decode secret messages.
(Yatta Solutions GmbH)
Lecture and panel discussion
AI made in Kassel: How Data Science is saving the world 
Data Scientist - "The sexiest job of the21st century". 3 Kassel-based software companies will show why this is so, what it has to do with the energy transition, and how to get started. Find out why Data Science is much more than "just" AI, how intelligent algorithms are created in modern software engineering, and why creativity and strong communication skills are so important in addition to statistics and knowledge of methods.
(enercast GmbH, eoda GmbH, Yatta Solutions GmbH)
Sustainability at the HÜBNER Group 
The HÜBNER Group is on the way to more sustainability!
(HÜBNER GmbH & Co. KG)
Career information
STEM professions at Heinrich Kördel GmbH
We want to introduce you to the training opportunities in the STEM field at our company and show you that STEM also plays a major role in the world of logistics.
(Heinrich Kördel GmbH, Guxhagen)
Hands-on offer
Sun observation
When the weather is clear, you can take a look at the sun.
(Schülerforschungszentrum Nordhessen)
Guided tour
Guided tour through the FutureSpace
What is hidden behind the shop windows of Wilhelmstraße 2? A warm invitation to discover the diversity of the MINT subjects and special forms of mediation.
Experimental lecture
The universe talks to us, we just have to listen!
With the help of light analysis, the origin and path of light can be traced. 
(Schülerforschungszentrum Nordhessen)

Participation offer
A look into the universe
From the beginning of dusk and in good weather, there is the possibility to visit the observatory and take a look at the stars with the telescope.
(Schülerforschungszentrum Nordhessen)